Welcome to Tidbits & Nibbles #8. Did you have a good week? Eat anything new? Try anything new?
As some of you know, I get a box of vegetables every week from Park Ridge Organics. I can’t say enough good things about Robyn & the crew at Park Ridge, part of that crew is my daughter, Mackenzie. They all work very hard to provide fresh vegetables that are beautiful to look at and even tastier to eat.
I also do some work for Park Ridge. Each week I gather recipes to go with the vegetables that the members receive in their box for the week. I also put together farm workshops. In the past I have done, canning & preserving, pesto and bruschetta, using fresh herbs and last year we made home made gnocchi. This year the workshop is how to make fresh ravioli and fresh sauces to sample. If you are interested in attending, click here.
Here is a recap of the recipes I featured this week. Click on the photo to get to the full recipe.
And now, here are my favorite food sightings this week. Click on the blue link to get to the recipe.
My favorite kind of fry.
Chocolate, strawberry & ice cream in one, divine!
Nachos & Onion Rings, bring it on!
This pizza has piqued my interest.
Burger sliders are the norm, I might need to try this fish version.
The perfect recipe to use up my veggies.
A dessert & drink in one!
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